When Day Turns Night Page 4
“Tis true then.”
I looked at my mother. I couldn't form words.
“You love him?” She asked. I looked at Trian knowing it was true.
“Today we shall see if God respects your offering, a son of King Dauid's blood.” She touched the edge of the bed beside the stain.
“It is our hope.”
“Perhaps our only. That dress will not do.” She snapped her fingers and one of our maids dashed to her. She sprinted from the room then, and my mother stepped forward. “This was not the way I would have it, but your decision is the best that is offered. I had much the same thoughts last night as I slept. Now let us make you a Queen.
I took a deep breath, walking silently through the castle, the dress my mother had been crowned in fit snugly against my body, red with green trim. My hair was brushed and coiled back into her very first and very elaborate crown. It was beautiful, powerful, lovely. Symbolic.
My father's clothing from that day had been brought forth as well, altered quickly and efficiently to fit the form of my Trian. He set me astride a beautiful white mare, and climbed astride a matching stallion. The gown was spread out behind me, a simple white fur wrap covered my shoulders.
“My Lady, are you ready?”
“My Captain, yes.”
The gates to the castle opened upon my city, and we rode forth just as dawn was breaking.
The trumpets blared wedding songs as we rode silently through the city, our people came out en masse, armored, and ready for battle. This was a bold move, I knew, but as soon as we had been dressed and met with the council it was declared it would be the best way. Let their be no doubt.
The trumpets were loud, playing the song over and over, and my people crowded into the courtyards as I mounted the steps, toward the wall facing the army, my husband holding my arm. My mother was standing at the top of the steps beside the priest, the first time she wore something other than black, but she would not remind anyone of my father in a way of mourning. When I stepped up, I could practically hear Conchobor's scream of fury, realizing that the wedding trumpets were not for him and I.
Archer's lined the walls, ready to shoot should any step forward.
The priest was a young man, chosen for his loud and booming voice. He began the vows quickly, making no speeches of happiness, simply stating the things that must be spoken.
“CATAPULTS!” I heard Conchobor's voice ring as the priest hurried through his statements.
“Hurry, damn it, hurry!” Bran whispered behind Trian, bouncing softly on his toes, his eyes looking out at the army and back to us.
“I do, I vow to honor and uphold Jesmaine and the crown,” Trian said loudly.
The priest spoke quickly, but I could only hear the creaking of the catapults as they moved through the ranks toward the front. I could see people hurrying to light huge bonfires on the front lines. I knew there would soon be hurtles of flaming balls in the air.
“I do,” I said, despite not hearing the priest's words. “I vow to respect, obey, honor and uphold the king of my heart and the crown, Trian.”
I made eye contact with Trian for the first time in that moment and it was as though the world fell away.
I slid my ring onto his finger, and he slid his onto mine. Then at the beckoning of the Priest we kissed. It was brief, it had to be for the first catapult shot fired, the wood striking wood and a flaming ball hurtling toward the city.
“I love you,” he said quickly.
I smiled, “Aye, I love you, too.”
There were loud trumpets again, but this time as a call to arms. The flaming ball had struck outside the walls.
Trian dashed down the stairs we had come up, and I feared by this night I may never see my husband and love again. I watched him take up his mount again in front of the nearly 200 cavalry we had within the city walls.
In that moment I saw the banners of the Baron. Bran had received a message near midnight from a messenger that he and an army nearly 1500 strong was over the ridge, encircling the Crown Prince, and more were on their way.
Bran motioned and another trumpet sound came, echoed by the drums of the Baron's army. The gates to the city flew open at that moment, and my husband and his cavalry charged out.
I stepped forward and picked up the bow, knocking an arrow, and drawing. My sister and mother at my side. Let us protect Ireland.
Summer, Ireland, 1140
“God, all mighty deliver me!” I screamed, bearing down on the babe I was birthing.
My mother held my hand, crying out her encouragement. I could hear my husband's voice through the door, calling words of love and prayers for health.
Sweat streamed down my back, and I felt the babe pass from my body.
“Tis a son!” My midwife called through the door, and Trian burst through, no longer caring about decorum, my sister at his heels. They hurried to my bedside as the babe was passed to me. He was beautiful, simply beautiful with light brown hair scattered across his brow, and lungs powerful and strong as he screamed his way to the breast.
“Dauid,” I murmured, stroking his cheek, “Prince Dauid.”
As is befitting a young woman in 1508 France, Julite has just entered an arranged marriage, but Julite has a horrific past. Her first husband found pleasure in controlling, terrifying, and abusing her, leaving her riddled with scars, both emotionally and physically. The rumors that surround her new husband, including that he brutally beat a prostitute does little to encourage her with her second arrangement.
Alain was grateful when his parents insisted he marry the young, beautiful widow, Julite. Her brother claimed she was a wild thing, willful, bright, and witty, found of taking control and what she wants. So when he brings home a meek, silent, terrified woman he doesn't know what to do. He fears his past may be what is terrifying her. Will he be able to show her that he is no longer that man? Will he be able to bring out the wild thing buried so deeply within his beautiful Julite?
Sneak Peek
I was breathless as I lead Vitesse back into the stable, exhilarated, my new husband grinning as he helped me dismount.
His beautiful smile as my body aligned with his was my final bit of encouragement. He had been good to me, over and over good to me, and despite my fear I reached up and kissed him, it was chaste, and simple, but his hands were at my waist, and Vitesse was at my back.
Almost as soon as I broke that simple chaste kiss he was kissing me again. I shrank, suddenly terrified. He would want more now, my god what had I done encouraging him?
His kiss was nothing chaste, his mouth opening, his tongue begging entrance. I made a tiny sound of terror and he froze, his eyes opening and seeing my fear. He stopped immediately, stepping back, his eyes guarded. I blushed crimson, my eyes filling with tears. He turned and stormed from the stables. I saw him rage across the pasture toward the house.
I could not postpone this forever, a married woman could not expect her husband to remain faithful if she was not willing to provide for his needs, and I could not bare the humiliation of an indiscreet affair like those Alain had previously had.
***Warning: This 13,400 word erotic romance is full of passion and lots of story. Accented with steamy graphic sex that may be offensive to some readers. Not for those under 18.***
Deeper: A Second Rape Fantasy
A second story following Deep: A Rape Fantasy.
Alysson Jennings is a seemingly innocent kindergarten teacher, but she has a secret. She likes to act out her rape fantasies with her best friend Micah. But Micah has doubts, acting as their make-believe childhood nemesis, Evan Richards, concerned that their kink means they are twisted and prevent a their progression of a regular relationship. They're rough and wild trysts are fun and exciting, but when he asks her to dinner she realizes she's head over heels, and his feelings are stronger than she ever imagined.
Will a regular relationship ever work for two that love the b
attle for power and rough play as much as they do? Can “normal” sex be as passionate for these two? Can they find a balance between “regular” love and the kinky steamy fucking they both need and want?
Sneak Peek:
“Jesus Lyssie, what are we doing?”
I frowned, I really didn't want him to doubt how much I loved it... but I didn't want him to feel like I was forcing him to be rough.
“Do you not like it, do you want to stop?” I couldn't keep the tremor from my voice.
He looked at me a long moment. In that moment I tried hard not to look at him, knowing that if I did I would beg with my eyes, if not with my words.
“No...no I don't want us to stop, its just shocking to me...how much I like it. The power over you. The fight, when you slammed that silly bowl into my head I thought I'd cum right there. Jesus, am I fucked up or what?” He said, leaning toward me. His eyes were an intense, vivid blue staring deeply within me, a little knot between his brow and the purse of his lips showing me he was really concerned by it.
“If you are so am I. I have loved my bruises and these little scrapes. Every chance I got I'd look at the bruises you gave me for Halloween.”
He offered me a half smile, but it looked more like a cringe then a grin. The waitress came and brought us the wine, making a show of opening the bottle and setting it in a silver tin of ice to breathe before pouring. Micah leaned back chewing on his lip barely aware of her as she made her show with a flourish. As soon as she was gone he leaned forward again, resting his forearms on the table, his eyes locking with mine again, blue to brown.
“I always imagined rough, but I could never figure out if I wanted to be the dom or the submissive. The idea of being one or the other... well it was frustrating. I wanted to fight for the power, not be granted it or have it simply stripped away. When you said you wanted to be raped, wanted to kick and scream and fight, it was like I suddenly realized what I wanted to do, and it scared the shit out of me.”
WARNING: This 9600 words contains sexually explicit and graphic scenes, including aggressive “force,” BDSM, and “kidnapping.” It may be too hot to handle for some audiences. Not for those under 18.
A Voyeur's Gift (Exhibitionist, Holiday)
A Night With Them Both (Menage, FMM)
The On-Call Babysitter (Barely-legal)
Babysitting Thad's Daddy (Barely-legal)
Taboola Rasa (Taboo, Step-Siblings)
My New Husband (Medieval, Historical, Arranged Marriage)
When It Rains It Pours: A Fraternity Gangbang (Gangbang, Oral, Menage, 1 Female many men)
The Binding: An Erotic Fantasy (Paranormal, Werewolf)
Bound to Him: An Erotic Fantasy (Paranormal, Werewolf)
Penance: Seclusion (BDSM, Spanking, Bondage, Rough Sex)
Penance: Pain (BDSM, Spanking, Paddles, Marks, Crops, Rough Sex)
Latex and Chocolate: Book 1 in The Box of Chocolates (Fetish, Latex, BDSM)
Dipped in Chocolate: Book 2 in The Box of Chocolates (Fetish, Eating, Menage)
Rolling In Chocolate: Book 3 in The Box of Chocolates (Fetish, Wrestling, Orgy)
The Box of Chocolates (Includes 3 previous titles)
Cheer Squad: Laci's Initiation (Barely-legal, Cheerleader, Girl on Girl, Menage)
Cheer Squad: Carlin's Fundraiser (Barely-legal, Cheerleader, Car wash, Interracial)
Cheer Squad: Zoe Cheers for the Professor (Barely-legal, Cheerleader, Professor / Student, Girl on Girl)
Cheer Squad: Yearbook, Vol. 1 (Includes 3 previous titles)
Cheer Squad: Jeni's Party (Barely-legal, Cheerleader, Menage, FFM, Interracial)
Cheer Squad: Kayla Does the Splits (Barely-legal, Cheerleader, Menage, FMM, Oral)
The Swingers' Games: Ethan (Menage, Couples, Stripping, Oral, light BDSM)
Deep: A Rape Fantasy (Rape Fantasy, Romance, BDSM)
Deeper: A Second Rape Fantasy (Rape Fantasy, Romance, BDSM)
Too Deep: A Third Rape Fantasy (Rape Fantasy, Romance, BDSM)
The Babysitter Rides With Mr. Thomas (Short, Barely-Legal, Babysitter)
Mr. Dickens Bumps Into the Babysitter (Short, Barely-Legal, Babysitter)
Mr. Harris Screws Up The Babysitter (Short, Barely-Legal, Babysitter)
The Babysitter Does Every Tom, Dick, and Harry (Compilation: Includes 3 previous titles and an additional Menage)
God, Professor! (Short, Barely-Legal, Professor / Student)
Mmm, Professor! (Short, Barely-Legal, Professor / Student, Oral, Facial)
Ouch, Professor! (Short, Barely-Legal, Professor / Student, Light Spanking)
Do Us, Professor! (Compilation: Includes 3 previous titles and an additional Menage)
Riding The Witch's Broom (Short, Lesbian, Holiday)
Bitten By The Vampire's Fangs (Short, Paranormal, Holiday)
Chilled By The Ghost's Breath (Short, Paranormal, Holiday)
Speared By The Devil's Pitchfork (Compilation: Includes the 3 previous titles and an additional Paranormal, Horror)
Nurse's Scrubs (Short, Nurse / Patient, Oral)
Born and raised on small ranch in south-western, Idaho, Lesa Fuchs-Carter led a sheltered lifestyle. When she moved to the "Big City" at the age of 24, she had barely kissed, had never tasted alcohol, and was still a virgin. Nine years later, she is still exploring and loving a world outside the one she was raised in. Her wildest fantasies are written on the page and available for you!
Lesa resides in Denver, with her family and two cats. Most any day you can find her in one of five places: at the stove making delicious delicacies, in the garden growing fresh produce, in her big chair rocking her baby or petting her kitties, at her computer writing up a steamy story, or in her bed with her sweetheart “researching.”
You may contact Lesa by visiting her on Facebook, Twitter or on her website. She loves to hear from her readers.